How to compare pros and cons
We'll show you how to analyse pros and cons for 1 alternative first, then will cover how to compare the pros of cons across multiple alternatives or options.
The pros and cons of a single option
Get some pen and paper, or whatever digital note-taking tool you prefer, whether it's an iPad/tablet, or a word-processor or spreadsheet, and do the following:
- Divide your paper or work area in 2 columns, one for Pros, and one for Cons
- List all of your pros, and as an optional step, give them a weight or score.
- Similarly, list all of your cons, and as an optional step, also give them a weight or score.
If you don't want to assign a numerical score, you can use a qualitative way to rank your pros and cons, such as positive impact or pain point. - Finally, add up all of your pros, followed by adding up all of your cons. Then subtract the sum of all cons from the sum of all pros to arrive at your net benefit value.
If you're not assigning numerical weights, then sort all of your pros and cons by order of impact or pain point. The number of items on your list should give you an idea of how positive or negative will be the overall impact of your decision.
Comparing pros and cons across 2 options
Now that you've written a pros and cons list for 1 option, and calculated the option's overall benefit, it's time to repeat the process for another option so you can compare them.
- After you repeat the previous step using a second option, calculate its net benefit value.
- Compare the sum of all pros across both options.
- Similarly, compare the sum of all cons across both options.
- You can analyse which option is the winner across the pros catergories, across the cons categories, and the overall winner by comparing the net benefit value across both options to find your winner
For a more advanced analysis, you can also factor in the probability that each pro and con may happen.
Using the pros and cons calculator
If you want to save time and have a visual representation of your comparison, try our pros and cons calculator.
It features visual charts so you can easily spot the best option based on the pros and cons you enter, plus the option to add as many pros share your pros and cons with friends and co-workers.